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DNAF Developer
Project Description
Integrated Distribution Management System (IDMS ) is a collection of applications designed to monitor & control the entire distribution network efficiently and reliably. It combines Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software, Distribution Management System (DMS), Outage Management System, Switching Orders, Crew Management etc.
Expected skills
Have a an aptitude for IT and math
Be able to meet project deadlines
Good written and spoken English
Knowledge of any programming languages is a plus
Understanding object oriented programming is a plus
Possess troubleshooting skills
Power engineering background/work experience is a must requirement
Required knowledge:
o General principles of electrical networks design (transmission and distribution)
o Equivalent circuits of electrical grid items
o Counter-load voltage control. Voltage schedules for control points
o Load schedules
o Essential of switching devices and protection equipment selection
o Methods of steady-states and short-circuits studies
o Basic knowledge of alternative energy sources (features and differences comparing to conventional energy sources)
Is a plus:
o Experience in creation of electrical network model for power flow and short circuits studies;
o Experience in losses, steady mode and short circuits calculations;
o Solving problems concerning losses minimization in power grids;
o Power system simulation software skills (PSS/E, Power Factory, GRAFSCANER, DAKAR, MUSTANG etc.).
Product functionality development (С++/С#)
Bug fix
Unit tests development