Sony today launched an aggressive move with its readers by noting its eBook Store would get access to Google's free book library and by cutting the price of its third-generation Sony Reader. The Google catalog of 500,000 titles centers on public domain books such as those from Kate Chopin or Mark Twain and is formatted with both the current Reader and its earlier, non-touch equivalent in mind. The addition immediately boosts the total number of books in Sony's store to 600,000.
The price cut appears targeted at fighting the success of the second-generation Kindle and immediately lowers the price of the current Reader from $400 to $350, or $9 below the Amazon device's price. Sony adds that the previous reader is still on sale for $300.
The price cut appears targeted at fighting the success of the second-generation Kindle and immediately lowers the price of the current Reader from $400 to $350, or $9 below the Amazon device's price. Sony adds that the previous reader is still on sale for $300.
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