"It is used by the Honda dealer to code replace- ment keys to your vehicle's Immobilizer System. It must not be used in your vehicle's ignition switch.!
скоріше за все стерлися ключі з памєяті. і треба провести заново програмуванея іммо
"By using the red key to start the car it has scrambled the data on the immobiliser. You may be able to get a replacement immobiliser. Read the eeprom on the new immobiliser and post the data here. Someone will be able to give you the data from it to write onto a new transponder to make a red key. Use this transponder to manually add the keys you have. Do not try to start the vehicle with the red key."
тут радять программатором синхронізувати памʼять ecu та immo
"Read M851G as 93C46 eeprom. Fill all memory area with "FF" bytes. In this theory ecu will synchronize with immo after first ignition switch with valid key."
"The problem is solved by save FFFFF- in EEPROM, 100% working, Thanks for all ,,,"
Чёрный кот, перебегающий вам дорогу, означает, что животное всего лишь спешит куда-то по своим делам. Не усложняйте.