Приходит вот такое уведомление на почту:
We've detected some unusual activity on your eBay account, and it looks like your password may have become known to a third party. In order to protect you and your eBay account we've reset your password and Secret Question (password hint).
The unusual activity may be a result of using a sniping site to bid on your behalf at the last minute, using a public-use computer or could be a result of you answering a spoof mail. You'll find more information on spoof below.
The unusual activity may be a result of using a sniping site to bid on your behalf at the last minute, using a public-use computer or could be a result of you answering a spoof mail. You'll find more information on spoof below.
и далее инструкция как поменять пароль и так далее.
Пароли менял, усложнял всякими знаками, но больше месяца последний не продержался.
Как с этим бороться?